Sports podiatry

Often traumatic, ankle sprains can lead to chronic instability conditions if they are not treated properly. In most cases, they occur when the ankle is reversed and the external ligaments and muscles are consequently affected. They can even lead to fracture of the fibula or tibia. With appropriate follow-up, your podiatrist will be able to establish the best treatment plan to enable proper healing.

Periostitis is the inflammation of the periostitis, the bone envelope, at its muscular or tendon attachment site. It usually appears at the internal face of the leg, more often at the distal medial third of the tibia, but can also occur on the dorsal tibial side.

The periostitis is often linked to defective biomechanics, which creates more stress at the insertion of the leg muscles on the tibia. It can also be caused by an inadequate running technique, too intense training or bad running shoes.

The pain, the heat and the inability to keep practising the sport properly are often symptoms of periostitis. The activity must then be stopped to eliminate stress and prevent progression towards a stress fracture.

Treatment implies temporarily stop running, application of ice, therapeutic laser treatment, manual therapies, and the prescription of plantar orthoses when periostitis is caused by a biomechanical misalignment.

Tendinitis is a painful musculoskeletal disorder that is caused by the inflammation of a tendon working too intensely and repeatedly. As the human body is composed of several muscles, tendinitis can occur practically anywhere.

In our podiatric clinics, we specifically treat tendinitis of the lower limbs. Whether at the posterior tibial tendon, the Achilles tendon or the inner hamstring (tendons that insert medially at the knee) level, tendinitis can result from a biomechanical disorder, thus often requiring orthotic treatment.

Your podiatrist will be able to diagnose the type and the cause of the tendinitis, and will also help you return to your normal activities as quickly as possible with a proper treatment plan.

The stress fracture is a common injury among people who practise repeat impact sports such as running. Repeat stress in a particular area of the bone can create fatigue and lead to a partial fracture.

This foot injury is usually located at the second and third metatarsi, but can also be present at the cuboid or navicular bone level and in the distal areas of the tibia and the fibula. The stress fracture will be obvious on the X-ray only 10 to 15 days after acute inflammation and pain symptoms have started.

The diagnosis can be established at the clinic after a podiatric examination and X-rays. So that the healing is complete and no complication happens, the podiatrist will recommend diabetic walking boots for the whole recovery time. The therapeutic laser treatment and application of ice will also help accelerate the healing process.

Gatineau Sector

456, boul. de l’Hôpital,
Gatineau, J8T 8M5

Tel. : 819-568-0456

Responsible for the protection of personal information: Dre Lynda Cormier, podiatrist or (819) 568-0456.