
Severe or chronic ingrown nails can be treated so they never regrow. After local anaesthesia of the base of the affected nail, the treatment consists of cutting the edge until its bed. This is called partial matricectomy. To avoid regrowth, we use phenol cauterization to burn the cells that make the nail.

This procedure is very common in the podiatrists’ job and recovery is fairly quick. Post-surgery pain normally ranges from mild to moderate when instructions regarding rest, the application of ice and dressing, and soaking are observed.

Skin legions with colour, shape, size and texture changes can require a more rigorous evaluation using biopsy. A skin sample of the lesion is sent to a laboratory so that a precise diagnosis is established. In case of benign enlargement, excision can be performed. Nevertheless, in case of malign enlargement, the person is immediately urged to see a dermatologist or an oncologist.

Some benign masses like synovial cysts, inclusion cysts, lipomas and plantar fibroma can be removed if they cause pain. Benign tumour removal can be done by aspiration, incision or excision.

Thanks to Dr. Lynda Cormier’s podiatric surgery training, procedures by minimum incision can be performed at the Gatineau sector clinic. This non-invasive technique can restore the alignment of bunion and hammer toes. It causes very little pain and scar tissue formation is minimal.

Gatineau Sector

456, boul. de l’Hôpital,
Gatineau, J8T 8M5

Tel. : 819-568-0456

Responsible for the protection of personal information: Dre Lynda Cormier, podiatrist or (819) 568-0456.