Athlete's foot

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What is athlete’s foot?

September 20th, 2021

If you have an infection of the skin on your feet, it could be athlete’s foot. In fact, many people suffer from it without knowing it. So how do you recognize it and treat it to get rid of it? The following article will give you information on how to recognize athlete’s foot and tips on how to treat it if it’s already there, or even better, how to prevent it.

What is athlete’s foot Athlete’s foot is an infection of the skin of the feet that is caused by a microscopic fungus that belongs to the dermatophyte family. Its real name is Tinea pedis. Contrary to what its name might suggest, it is not restricted to athletes. Everyone can get this condition at some point in their lives. Young adults are the most commonly affected segment of the population. More so than young children and older adults. In addition, men are more frequently affected than women.

What Predisposes to Athlete’s Foot

There are certain things that can predispose you to getting athlete’s foot. It can be a hereditary vulnerability, excessive sweating on the feet, a skin disease such as eczema, a foot injury, a sudden drop in the immune system due to an illness or because of a medication.

How to recognize it?

There are several signs or symptoms that can help us detect the presence of athlete’s foot. Be aware of cracks that are more or less deep, especially between the toes or on the sole of the foot. Also, if you notice that the skin between the toes is moist or whitish. Athlete’s foot can also cause scaling, redness, itching, pain, a burning sensation or bad odours. Of course, to get a reliable diagnosis, you must consult a specialist. Your podiatrist can help you identify your problem.

How to prevent it? Now that we know how to recognize it, it is interesting to learn how to prevent it. By applying a few preventive measures, you will greatly reduce the risk of contracting this condition. Ideally, never share your socks, shoes or slippers with someone else. Also, avoid using used towels. It is important to always wear shoes or sandals in public places such as gyms or swimming pools. Also, maintain a good hygiene routine by washing your feet with mild soap and drying them well afterwards, especially between the toes. How to treat it?

If you already have this condition, there are treatments to get rid of it. Some of them are available over the counter at the pharmacy, they are antifungal products. These products can be in the form of a powder, a cream or a spray solution. It is very important to follow the instructions and to continue the treatment until the end even after the visible signs have disappeared.

It is always best to consult your podiatrist who will be able to accurately identify the condition you are suffering from and give you all the advice to get rid of it effectively.